Australian Strategic Fleet Taskforce - Update 2 - Strategic Fleet Report & Government Response

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

On 20 October 2022, the Federal Government established a Strategic Fleet Taskforce to advise on the creation of a Maritime Strategic Fleet with the aim to strengthen Australia's economic sovereignty and support improved national security outcomes. The intent being for the fleet to comprise vessels that are Australian flagged and Australian crewed - terms of reference available HERE.

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have today received communication from the Department of infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department) that the Honourable Minister Catherine King MP has released the Strategic Fleet Taskforce final report and the Government's response to the Taskforce's sixteen (16) recommendations : 

The Department will lead work to progress the implementation of the recommendations, with the implementation including consultation across Government, industry and unions, providing stakeholders with an opportunity to contribute to the establishment of the Strategic Fleet.

FTA / APSA will continue to represent members on the implementation of the Maritime Strategic Fleet and will provide further updates in due course.
Further information on the Strategic Fleet Taskforce is available via the department website HERE or via email to

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics -  FTA / APSA

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