DAFF - Imported food notice 15-23 Published November 2023

Thursday, November 9, 2023

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Imported food notice 15-23


Imported Food Notice (IFN) 15-23 advises importers of bivalve molluscs and bivalve mollusc products, and brokers acting on their behalf/Competent authorities in countries that export bivalve molluscs and bivalve mollusc products to Australia of the updated information on changes to import requirements for bivalve molluscs and bivalve mollusc products.

Key points include:

  • Consignments of bivalve molluscs and bivalve mollusc products must be imported from a country that has a foreign government certification arrangement in place or is in the process of negotiating such an arrangement.
  • Products requiring foreign government certification include clams, cockles, mussels, oysters, pipis and scallops.
  • Products excluded from foreign government certification requirements are:
    • retorted and shelf stable products, including condiments and sauces
    • dried, including chilled soup mixes containing dried bivalve molluscs.
  • A list of countries that have applied to export bivalve molluscs and bivalve molluscs products to Australia can be found on our website.
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