DP WORLD: MUA Industrial Action - Update 10 - Employee Roster Changes and Cyber Incident Recovery

Friday, November 17, 2023

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have been maintaining close engagement with DP World in regards to recovery, and with the Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA) to ascertain operational impacts from a transport operator's perspective as DP World continue to recover from their recent cyber incident and management of ongoing Protected Industrial Action. To that end, we refer to an update produced by CTAA last night addressing the significant national landside delays and costs; announcement of DP World changed roster arrangements; and calls for Federal Industrial Relations Minister intervention to terminate industrial action - refer HERE.

FTA / APSA request that members continue to provide details of operational impacts, costs (both direct and indirect) and advise whether this detail can be publicly shared (or used on an anonymous / anecdotal basis).

Like Shipping Australia, who have written to the Federal Industrial Relations Minister, FTA / APSA is aiming to provide evidence that is necessary for the Minister's intervention under Section 431 of the Fair Work Act 2009.

NOTE: the Federal Minister has power to make a declaration, in writing, terminating protected industrial action if satisfied that (among other matters) "the industrial action is threatening or could threaten to cause significant damage to the Australian economy or an important part of it."

Please provide details to tjensen@FTAlliance.com.au.

In terms of recovery, DP World has informed FTA / APSA that of the ~30,000 containers impacted by the cyber incident, as of late yesterday DP World has since successfully moved 14,265 containers of the total. Significant strides were made yesterday with over 6,000 containers moved on Thursday alone by road and rail following a day of significant impacts due to protected industrial action. 
The expectation of DP World is that recovery in Fremantle, Melbourne and Brisbane will hopefully be reached by the end of this week, however Sydney is still, as per our update on Monday, expected to be impacted for up to 2-3 weeks from full resumption on Monday 13 November.     
Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics -  FTA / APSA

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