Port Authority of NSW - Transition from ShIPS to OnePort

Friday, November 17, 2023


Transition from ShIPS to OnePort

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have met with the Port Authority of NSW (Port Authority) in regards to Port Authority plans to transition port management systems over from the current Sydney's Integrated Port System (ShIPS) to the new OnePort system. 

The transition will take place in Q1 of 2024 (date TBC) from which point current users of ShIPS will instead be required to use the new OnePort system for notifying the Port Authority of all dangerous goods to be imported or exported by vessel, including transhipments and/or goods transiting the ports.

More information on OnePort can be found HERE.

In preparation for the migration, the Port Authority are requesting that any current ShIPS users complete a Company Re-validation Survey which is required to be completed by
1 December 2023. Please do not fill out the survey if you are not an active ShIPS user.


Registration of your company in OnePort prior to the go-live is dependent on completion of the survey. If a survey response is not registered, the Port Authority will assume the company does not require access to OnePort. Company registration can be requested post go-live in OnePort but please be aware that registration requests received during the transition period may incur longer processing times. 

Port Authority of NSW will provide training sessions for Freight Forwarders who are active users in ShIPS and requiring transitioning to OnePort. 
Training sessions will be held online through Microsoft Teams and will be an overview of OnePort and a demonstration of how you would use the system as a Freight Forwarder. 
Training will be held on the following dates and times: 

  • 13 December at 2pm

  • 18 January at 2pm 

  • 30 January at 11am 

In addition, the Port Authority will run weekly sessions 4-6 weeks prior to go-live (date TBC).
Registered OnePort users will receive a separate online Microsoft Teams training invite which will include relevant information such as pre go-live checklist and training material.  

Further information on training can be found HERE.

For further information, please contact the Port Authority of NSW via email OnePort@portauthoritynsw.com.au

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics -  FTA / APSA

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