DAFF - 245-2023: Management of cabotage vessels intending on loading in-ships-hold agricultural commodities

Monday, November 20, 2023

20 November 2023

Who does this notice affect?

Biosecurity industry participants, such as vessel owners, operators, shipping agents and consignees involved in the management of domestic in-ships-hold agricultural commodities (e.g., fertiliser, grain, stockfeed) on board international vessels.

What has changed?

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (department) would like to remind biosecurity industry participants of the requirements to report the intended movement of domestic in-ships-hold agricultural commodities on board international vessels prior to loading. All cargo transported within Australian territory under these arrangements is subject to biosecurity control in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2015.

International vessels intending to carry domestic in-ships-hold agricultural commodities are required to hold Level 1 vessel status and, if not, undergo a verified, in-hold assessment by a marine surveyor prior to loading.

Shipping agents/representatives should complete and submit a Notification of pending movement of bulk in-ship cargo on international vessel within Australia (cabotage) to the department's Bulk Commodities National Co-ordination Centre (BC NCC) Newcastle a minimum of 3 working days prior to the vessel's arrival, of their intention to load in-ships-hold cabotage agricultural commodities.

Notification and submission of the form must be completed in writing and submitted to the BC NCC via email at Fertiliser.Chemical@aff.gov.au. The department accepts no responsibility for any costs, delays or impositions arising as a result of not having received notification and the completed form within the stipulated timeframe.

Why is this notice being published?

The department has recently advised industry of potentially drier weather conditions in the years ahead, which may result in increased demand for imported whole grain products (see IIAN 209-2023: Importing Bulk Whole Grain Information Session). These forecasted conditions are also likely to result in increased cabotage movements of agricultural products.

International vessels that have not undergone the necessary inspections in accordance with the department's cabotage requirements pose an increased biosecurity risk to domestic agricultural cargo.

Further information

Further information on cabotage requirements can be found on the department's website.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to this Import Industry Advice Notice, please contact the Sea Cargo Policy, Industry Partnerships and Strategic Engagement team via email at SeaCargoPolicy@aff.gov.au.