VICT Notice

Friday, December 1, 2023

30 Day Final Industry Notice for Vehicle Booking System Tariff Adjustments

Dear Customers,

30 Day Final Industry Notice for Vehicle Booking System Tariff Adjustments

In compliance with the Victorian Department of Transport Voluntary Pricing for Stevedore Landside Charges, the revised tariffs under the following categories will come into effect from 1st January 2024:
  • Vehicle Booking System Charges
  • Import Storage Charges
  • Late Receival
Within the last 30 days, we would like to thank the industry for providing feedback on our initial 60 days
notices, below is a recap of the areas that were raised and VICT's response:

1. Premium Slot Fee:
The premium slot fee was revised down to better assist those customers that require specific slots at specific times; the terminal will endeavour to accommodate these whenever possible. 

2. Stack Run Out Empty:
There is no change to the way stack run out empties are charged.

3. VGM Weighing Fee:
This charge will be billed via the transport company to the Shipper who is responsible for the VGM declaration (SOLAS Regulation VI/2.)
For enquiries please contact or visit
Yours truly,
Olga Coelho Heubert
Chief Commercial Officer
Victoria International Container Terminal Limited
SubjectVehicle Booking System (VBS) Charges
Rate TypeCarrier Access Agreement – Billing Terms & Conditions
Rate Applicable toVictoria International Container Terminal Carrier Customers
Effective Date1 January 2024
Tariff ItemRate (AUD) – exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Registration Fee$236.00
Join Fee$269.00
Re Join Fee$269.00
Slot Fee$45.00
List Fee$103.00
No Show$287.00
Off Slot Fee$98.00
Non Service$212.00
Stack Run In Slot (Empty)$20.00
VGM Weighing Fee$38.00
VGM Weight Discrepancy Fee$200.00
Export Turn Fee$37.00
Export Reefer Turn Fee$184.00
Import Turn Fee$123.00
Infrastructure Surcharge$177.48
Slot Direct Empty Return$43.00
Premium Slot Fee$99.00
Sideloaded Fee$87.00
Best Pick$40.00
SubjectImport Storage Charges
Rate TypeTerminal Tariff
Rate ApplicableStorage, Reefer Services, Yard Handling, Hazardous Fee as per below tiers
Effective Date1 January 2024
 Import Storage Charges exclude GST20ft Full/Empty (per day)40ft/45ft
(per day)
20ft OD
(per day)
40ft/45ft OD
48ft +
(per day)
1Storage 1st to 2nd day$172$344$344$628
2Storage 3rd day plus$333$666$655$1,235
3Reefer Services$161$193  
4Yard Handling$180$180$342$342
5Hazardous Fee$756$756$756$756
  • Import Storage charges apply to full and empty import containers held at the Terminal after the Free
  • Storage Period of 3 days.
  • First Availability – Commences from vessels ATA.
  • First Free Day (discharge complete before 06:00 = 1st day, discharge completed after 06:00 = 1st day is the following day).
  • Storage Start Date – Import Storage Charges are applicable per calendar day from this date.
  • Storage – charged per calendar day after the expiry of the Free Storage Period.
  • Reefer Services- charged per calendar day in addition to the daily storage charges on live reefers.
  • Yard Handling Fee – a single charge applied to the first day after the expiry of the Free Storage Period.
Hazardous Fee – charged per calendar day in addition to the daily storage charges on all hazardous containers (including empty hazardous with residue


SubjectLate Receival Fee
Rate TypeTerminal Tariff
Rate Applicable$402.75 + GST – per container
Issue Date1 November 2023
Effective date1 January 2024
Rate Applicable toVictoria International Container Terminal Carrier Customers

* Management of requests and the charging of a fee for the late receival of export containers after the agreed vessel cut-off.This includes vessels sub-contracted to Victoria International Container Terminal by other container terminals.
  • Applications will be responded to or actioned during daytime hours Monday – Friday 06:00 – 18:00 and Saturday – Sunday 06:00 – 14:00
  • The Container Operator who is responsible for the shipment of the container, must send an email to requesting a late receival and require the following detail:
1. Requests must be made prior to the official export receival cut off for the vessel the container is to load.*
2. A valid PRA (pre-receival advice) is lodged prior to the request being made.
3. Approval from the Vessel Operator of the outbound vessel must be included in the request.
4. The registered Carrier (Transport Company registered with VICT) details are advised.
5. The proposed arrival date and time at the Terminal is advised.
6. Tariff will still apply if container is not run into the terminal.
* If requests are made after export receival cut off and requirements 2 - 5 detailed above have been met, the decision to accept will be solely at the discretion of the VICT Vessel Planner.
  • The Late Receival request will be considered, and a response will be sent approving or declining the request by the Support Team or Vessel Planner.
  • Charges are applicable to the Container Operator when the container arrives into the Terminal.
In the event that a container is not loaded due to incorrect PRA information, the Container Operator
will still be liable for the Late Receival Fee. 

Please contact the following should you have any queries regarding the processing of your late receival;

Victoria International Container Terminal reserves the right to review the Late Receival Fee at any time.

