Patrick Terminal & OneStop - Optibook - Update 1 - Quick Reference Guide

Friday, December 1, 2023

Further to our previous member notice in regards to the implementation of OneStop's Optibook VBS platform, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) have held discussions with OneStop to address member concerns in regard to identification of container level 'Availability' and 'Storage' dates and times via the OneStop Gateway platform. 

OneStop have subsequently made appropriate changes to their OneStop Gateway platform and released a quick reference guide for Gateway users to assist in identifying container level availability & storage dates and times.
Please refer to the following link for the updated advice from OneStop :

Quick Reference Guide

As per previous notice, Optibook will be introduced at Patrick's Melbourne terminal from
Sunday, 3 December 2023 and will change the way Availability and Storage will be applied :

  • 'Availability' and 'Storage Start' dates will now be set at the container level, not against the vessel, 
  • once the container has been made available by the terminal, the carrier will have 72 hours from the 'Available' date and time to collect the container prior to the commencement of 'Storage Start' date and time
FTA / APSA once again strongly recommend that members actively collaborate with their transport providers to facilitate the seamless integration of the changes.

2 NOVEMBER 2023 :    Patrick / OneStop Media Release & FAQs
24 NOVEMBER 2023 :  Patrick Optibook Implementation - Terminal Communication #1

27 NOVEMBER 2023 :  Patrick Terminal & OneStop - Optibook Implementation - Patrick Terminal - Melbourne (East Swanson Dock) Effective 3 December 2023

Contacts for further information : Patrick Terminals: Sarah Dennis +61 418 653 863
                                                     OneStop: Kaylee Salzke:  

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics -  FTA / APSA

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