Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Capability Review

Friday, December 1, 2023

Industry roundtable and departmental response to review 

Earlier this week Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) was represented at a roundtable hosted by incoming Secretary Adam Fennessy PSM to discuss the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry's (the department) response to the recently completed Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) Capability Review Report – Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the report)

FTA / APSA welcomed the work of the APSC and the department's response but was vocal in emphasising to the Secretary and all roundtable attendees the urgent need for immediate industry reforms and relief, underscoring the interests of FTA / APSA members.

The report highlighted many governance, performance and reporting challenges best encapsulated by the following extract:

"The aggregated impact of multiple Machinery of Government changes (5 in 10 years) to the department , plus increasing fiscal pressures and operational demands, and the high expectations of government collectively mean that more immediate change is required. The incoming secretary and their senior leadership team will need to assertively address current challenges and opportunities, as relying on more incremental improvement will not be enough."

The roundtable provided an opportunity for Secretary Fennessy to outline the department's response and gather input from roundtable participants regarding the report, as well as the Transformation Action Plan.

The departmental Response and the Transformation Action Plan have today been made public and are available HERE

Sal Milici - Licensed Customs Broker 
General Manager Trade Policy & Operations - FTA / APSA
Chair – Container Cleanliness Working Group | Global Shippers Forum (GSF)

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