Port of Townsville - Cyclone Jasper preparations continue

Monday, December 11, 2023

11th December 2023

The Port of Townsville has moved to Condition YELLOW in preparation for Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

The Port remains operational and there has been no disruption to shipping activities at this stage, however channel widening has been suspended due to unfavourable sea conditions. 

High winds may impact shipping movements over the next 24 hours. The Port is continuing to monitor updates from the Bureau of Meteorology. Vessels are being advised by the Regional Harbour Master.

Current cyclone preparations being conducted at the Port of Townsville include:

  • Minimising cargo heights on berths and laydown areas
  • Removing equipment from tidal surge or flood prone areas
  • Implementing tie-down plans for cranes and shiploaders, securing buildings and clearing debris; and
  • Continued monitoring and consultation with Port users.

Port of Townsville General Manager Customer, Operations and Safety, Drew Penny said the Port was well prepared for wild weather should it eventuate over the coming days.

"The Port of Townsville begins its cyclone preparedness on 1 November each year and has a well-defined plan for moving through the various stages of cyclone preparedness," said Mr Penny.

"We are continuing to implement precautionary measures in-line with advice from the Bureau of Meteorology and are working closely with Maritime Safety Queensland and Port users to ensure proper preparedness as we move to Condition YELLOW."

The Port continues to follow advice from Bureau of Meteorology, Townsville Local Disaster Management Group and the Regional Harbour Master.