Methyl Bromide Fumigation Methodology Updated publication date

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) through our Biosecurity Treatment Providers Reference
Group (BTPRG) has been actively engaged with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) over the past 12 months or more on the proposed changes to the methodology for the use of Methyl Bromide.

Both FTA and the BTPRG members have appreciated the willingness of the department officers to engage and listen to our concerns and suggestions. The finalised, whist still to be published, document will reflect the collaboration between all parties.

Whilst the delay till early 2024 is unfortunate, it will allow for the final document to be widely circulated and implementation be effected after the close of the 2023/24 BMSB season.

Again we thank the department for their collaboration and look forward to  continuing this across future changes / system developments. Industry Advice Notice 267 - 2023 refers.



John Park
Head of Business Operations | Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) 
Secretariat, Biosecurity Treatment Providers Reference Group (BTPRG)
Editor Across Borders 

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