Collinson Forex Daily Market Commentary and Weekly Calendar

Monday, December 18, 2023

Daily Market Commentary

Markets closed out a week which saw the Dow Jones Industrials hit new record highs and bond yields tumble, as Central Banks across the US and Europe cease interest rate rises and consider the prospects of rate cuts in 2024. The Santa Claus rally is truly on and welcomed by markets, as confidence surges. No doubt markets will attempt to close out 2023, on a high and will focus on growth and inflation. The US Dollar continues to cede ground, with the EUR bouncing back to 1.0900, while the GBP drifted back below 1.2700.

Commodity currencies have been the beneficiaries of the weaker reserve, with the AUD looking to regain 0.6700, while the NZD is approaching 0.6200. Confidence appears to be returning to global markets and rising tide is lifting all boats. Growth and deficit/debt is now coming into focus as inflation moves into the rear-vision mirror.

Weekly Market Calendar

18/12 NZ Consumer Confidence, NZ Services PSI, NZ Composite PCI, German Ifo Business Climate

19/12 NAHB House Market Index, NZ Trade Exports/Imports, NZ Business Confidence, RBA Minutes, Bank of Japan Rate Decision, EU CPI, Canada CPI/PPI, US Housing Starts, US Building Permits

20/12 NZ Dairy Prices, NZ Consumer Confidence, Japan Trade Exports/Imports, German Consumer Confidence/PPI, UK CPI, EU Current Account, US Weekly Mortgage Applications

21/12 EU Consumer Confidence, US Existing Home Sales, NZ Credit Card Spending, France Business Confidence, US GDP, US Weekly Jobless Claims, Philly Fed Manufacturing Index

22/12 Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Index, Japan CPI, Bank of Japan Minutes, UK GDP/Retail Sales/Current Account, France Consumer Confidence/PPI, Canada GDP, PCE Inflation, US Durable Goods Orders, University of Michigan Economic Sentiment


Paul Bettany   I   Collinson Forex Limited    Collinson & Co.  Private Banking   

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