DAFF - Export advisory notice 2023.26 - Implementation of amendments to the Export Control (Animals) Rules 2021

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

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Implementation of amendments to the Export Control (Animals) Rules 2021

Species: All
Countries: All


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To inform stakeholders of the amendments made to the Export Control (Animals) Rules 2021 (Animals Rules) and provide information about actions that regulated entities need to take.

Key points

  • On 18 December 2023 amendments were made to the Animals Rules. A summary of the amendments and next steps for stakeholders is provided in the attachment.
  • Exporters and Accredited Veterinarians (AAVs) must ensure they comply with new requirements. There are no changes to requirements for Registered Establishments (REs).
  • No variation applications are required to your approvals with the department. However, you must ensure your documents and procedures reflect any relevant updated requirements.
  • The department is providing support to exporters and AAVs through updates to relevant webpages, guidance documents and the publication of additional stakeholder-specific Export Advisory Notices. Further information about these updates, including where to find them, can be found in the attachment.


The Export Control Act 2020 and the Export Control Rules 2021 (the Rules) came into effect in March 2021 as part of an initiative to strengthen Australia's agricultural exports and market access.

Through a routine review of the Rules, the department identified necessary amendments to improve the way we regulate live animal exports, including amendments to the Animals Rules.
On 28 November 2022 the department opened consultation on the proposed amendments to the Animals Rules. The department considered all feedback received during the consultation.
Refer to EAN 2022-24 for information about the consultation and for a link to the information sheet which outlined the proposed amendments to the Animals Rules.


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