DAFF - 2024-01: Saudi Arabia: Fish and Fish Products: Delay in progressing new establishment listing applications

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

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2024-01: Saudi Arabia: Fish and Fish Products: Delay in progressing new establishment listing applications

2 January 2024

Date of issue: 2 January 2024

Date of effect: Immediate

Reference Number: MAA 2024-01



  • Industries—Industry bodies – Seafood Export Consultative Committee, Seafood Trade Advisory Group, Seafood Industry Australia
  • Export establishments
  • Exporters, AEPI and EXDOC users
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry —central and regional offices


This Market Access Advice (MAA) is to notify exporters and industry about delays in progressing new export registered establishment listings with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA).

Summary of key points 

The department has been informed that SFDA have not been progressing new establishment listing applications. Further discussions with SFDA are required to resolve issues on model export health certificates and on the provision of information on newly listed establishments.

New listings applications are accruing with departmental staff who are actively working to resolve the delay.

Fish and fish product establishments listed with the SFDA can continue to export using current export health certificates. A list of approved establishments is published on the SFDA w?ebsite.

For information on the current export health certificates, please refer to the Manual of Importing Country requirements.

The department encourages all exporters to work with their importer to ensure that product meets the current importing country requirements.

Further information
Contact ExportStandards@aff.gov.au if you have any queries.

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The information provided in this advice is current at the time of writing and is intended for use as guidance only and should not be taken as definitive or exhaustive. The Commonwealth endeavours to keep information current and accurate, however, it may be subject to change without notice. Exporters are encouraged to verify these details with their importers prior to undertaking production/exports. The Commonwealth will not accept liability for any loss resulting from reliance on information contained in this notice.

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