DAFF - MAA 2024-01: Chile: Dairy: New labelling requirements for milk and milk products from 9 January 2025

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Date of issue: 2 January 2024

Date of effect: 9 January 2025

Reference Number: MAA 2024-01


Industries—Industry bodies – Dairy Australia – Infant Nutrition Council

Export dairy establishments


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry — Central and Regional offices


To provide updated information on Chile's labelling requirements for milk and milk products.

Summary of key points

This Market Access Advice (MAA) informs of Chile's Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) Exempt Resolution No. 4027/2023 Determines Sanitary Requirements for the Internment of Milk and Dairy Products, for Animal and Human Consumption.

This Resolution requires that from 9 January 2025, the label must be included in the container that the consumer receives, including:

  • the country of origin,
  • the manufacturing establishment (name and official number of the establishment),
  • the product, and
  • its production batch.

Exporters are encouraged to work closely with their importers to ensure all importing country requirements for their product are met. The Manual of Importing Country Requirements (Micor) will be updated to reflect this new market access.

Further information

Contact exportstandards@aff.gov.au if you have any queries.