FTA / APSA escalate media on waterfront industrial action - MEDIA UPDATE 12

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

It is 6am and I am on my way to Port Botany for a live interview with Mark Beretta on Channel 7 "Sunrise" - please tune in at (approx.) 7.15am AEDT for the live interview

Another big day of media yesterday - live interview with Sky News, 6PR Mornings PerthFarm Weekly, Daily Cargo News and the Australian Financial Review.

6PR Perth Mornings with Sean Cowan - recording HERE

Australian Financial Review -  DP World to dock pay in escalation of waterfront battle

Paul Zalai, chief executive of the industry group Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA), said it appeared DP World had decided the union's campaign of industrial action was intolerable.

"Reading between the lines, it could get to the point where DP World invokes the industrial action available to them, which would be to lock out the staff," he said. "I'm hopeful it doesn't come to that."

There has not been a major lockout in Australia's shipping industry since the 1990s waterfront dispute, in which the Howard government collaborated with Patrick Corporation in an attempt to break the MUA and reform Australia's ports.


... the lack of predictability of shipping schedule is seeing many exporters who rail from regional centres direct to the wharves now moving and storing their loaded containers at nearby port facilities. This is adding transit delays, double-handling costs and additional truck movements.

"Trains often operate on a take or pay method, meaning you either use the slot or pay for it anyway even if the slot remains e
mpty. The decision for our regional exporters then becomes whether to double handle the container at the port and pay for storage or pay for the empty train slot and rail it again the following week. Between three of our exporter members, data revealed more than $2 million in double handling and staging costs was paid over the last three month period," Mr Zalai said.

According to Mr Zalai, compounding the industrial action has been the extreme weather events and machinery failures at DP World in Brisbane and road works in Melbourne resulting in trucking scheduling difficulties, futile trips, extended wait times and transport operators implementing higher fees to recover costs.

As an indication of the severity of the problems, the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning has declared the situation an official "Disruption Event" bringing stakeholders together to structure communications and implement strategies with the intent of minimising adverse impacts.



While the Red Sea hostilities was important for FTA / APSA in capturing the media's attention on international trade matters, the focus has now appropriately moved to an examination of the ongoing Protected Industrial Action :

9 JAN 2024 : Farm Weekly Ongoing wharf dispute is resulting in multi-million dollar costs
8 JAN 2024 : Triple M Network, SBS and Channel 10 - Industrial dispute impacts on small business
5 JAN 2024 : Australian Financial Review - Australian grape growers fear export hit from port dispute
5 JAN 2024 Sydney Morning Herald - Shoppers warned to expect empty shelves, delays if ports strike continues 
4 JAN 2024 : Australian Financial Review : Australian grape growers fear export hit from port dispute
4 JAN 2024 : ABC Radio National - Breakfast - Australia"s response to Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea 
4 JAN 2024 : SBS - Disruption to trade is threatening innocent lives
3 JAN 2024 : 2GB Sydney - Red Sea conflict having impact on Australian trade
2 JAN 2024 : The Australian Financial Review : Industrial action at ports 'bigger problem' than Red Sea attacks
2 JAN 2024 : The Australian : Australian trade flowing from Asia is safe but eventually Red Sea disruptions will hit home
28 DEC 2023 : The Australian Business Journal - Global Trade Faces Uncertainty as Red Sea Tensions and Port Strikes Threaten Supply Chains
27 DEC 2023 : SMH: Send navy to the Red Sea for sake of local economy: Dutton
27 DEC 2023 : News.com.au - Price hike fears over Red Sea shipping chaos, crippling port strikes
27 DEC 2023 : The Australian - Price hike fears over Red Sea shipping chaos, crippling port strikes
21 DEC 2023 : The Australian - Red Sea call 'leaving our allies in the lurch' 
19 DEC 2023 : Stock and Land - Red Sea freight blockage has potential to disrupt all supply chains
19 DEC 2023 : Australian Financial Review - Freight, oil climb as Red Sea attacks shut down shipping 
17 DEC 2023 ABC News - UK and US shoot down more Houthi drones in the Red Sea as shipping companies pause operations


We again wish to remind members that while we have an excellent relationship with a wide cross-section of trade, agriculture and mainstream media, we need of "real life" experiences highlighting the impacts to business and the wider economy - this is essential to maintain the momentum and interest for what appears will be a long, drawn out campaign.

Should any member or industry participant be prepared to go on the public record, please contact me at pzalai@FTAlliance.com.au on 0408 280123.

Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF