"Across Borders" is a leading trade journal produced by Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and is published twice a year.
We will do a print run of 1500 hard copy magazines which will be delivered to regional and head offices of FTA , Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) and Women in Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) members – refer to our directory at www.FTAlliance.com.au
Note: FTA and APSA members receive one copy of the Across Borders magazine to each state office. To ensure successful delivery, please notify Caroline Zalai of any change to mailing address or contact details.
We will also disseminate this edition electronically to 3000 + on our database.
The split of recipients is approximately:
60% logistics providers (including freight forwarders, customs brokers)
35% major importers / exporters
5% other (stevedores, ports, government etc)
Please note that we are also looking to push this out through "multipliers" such as partner industry associations etc – this will give increased reach and will probably change the above percentages to swing more towards a higher ratio of importers and exporters.
Attached is an advertising card with prime advertising opportunities offered on a "first-in" basis.
Please contact John Park on 0415 973 630 to tailor an arrangement to meet your marketing needs and supply editorial contributions for review.