DAFF - Live updates: MV Bahijah livestock vessel

Friday, February 9, 2024

Update 1 February 2024, 12.30pm AEST

The department continues to work closely with the exporter to determine the next steps for the livestock on board the MV Bahijah and reach a resolution as quickly as possible.

On 31 January, two veterinarians engaged by the Department boarded the vessel to provide additional assurance on the health and welfare of the livestock on board.

The report from those veterinarians indicates no signs of significant health, welfare or environmental condition concerns with the livestock on board, consistent with all reports received to date.

The exporter's registered veterinarian also remains on board the vessel and continues to report back to the department daily.

Contrary to some public reports, no livestock are required to be offloaded for health reasons.

The MV Bahijah berthed at Fremantle Port on 1 February and is currently being replenished with supplies to ensure the ongoing health and welfare of the livestock is upheld. No animals are currently being unloaded.

The department continues to assess the application to re-export the livestock provided by the exporter as a matter of priority.

Further updates will be provided as they become available.

Quotes attributable to Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Beth Cookson:

"The two veterinarians engaged by the Department inspected the livestock late yesterday," Dr Cookson said.

"While I have only seen a preliminary report, there were no significant animal health or welfare issues identified.

"That provides additional confidence that the livestock are in good condition and have appropriate care and supervision.

"It also confirmed that there were no signs of exotic disease present in the livestock on board the vessel.

"Engagement with stakeholders has been very constructive to date and we would like to thank all parties for their ongoing efforts and collaboration."