DAFF - Live updates: MV Bahijah livestock vessel 12th February 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Update 12 February 2024

All livestock from the vessel MV Bahijah will be discharged commencing from Monday 12 February 2024 and taken by truck from Fremantle Port to appropriate premises in Western Australia.

Several hundred head of cattle were previously discharged from the vessel on 3 February 2024.

While the livestock currently aboard the vessel are high-quality Australian animals, they will remain under strict biosecurity control at appropriate premises while the exporter considers its options.

Disembarkation is a complex process. It is anticipated the discharge will take a number of days and all parties involved, including the department, Western Australian government, exporter, transport companies and appropriate premises continue to work collaboratively to ensure the health and safety of the livestock and staff.

The department will have veterinary officers and biosecurity officers on hand to ensure biosecurity requirements are met.

The department continues to receive daily updates from the veterinarian aboard the vessel and the livestock remain in good condition.

As of this morning, since 5 January, total mortalities on the vessel currently stand at 4 cattle and 60 sheep, below reportable mortality levels.

For a detailed explanation of the decision to refuse the Notice of Intention by the regulator visit our website.

To understand the department's important regulatory role in the export of live animals, visit our website.