MERNAP : Maritime Emissions Reduction National Action Plan (MERNAP) Issues Paper 3: Skills and Training - Call for Submissions

Monday, February 19, 2024

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA), as part of the Consultative Group for the Maritime Emissions Reduction National Action Plan (MERNAP), are preparing a response to Issues Paper 3 focussing on Skills and Training which was recently released by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department).

The MERNAP will set the strategic direction and recommend actions to decarbonise our maritime transport sector, as well as contribute towards reducing international shipping emissions. The plan will seek to identify opportunities and future-proof the domestic maritime industry, ensuring Australia benefits from the global net zero maritime transition.

The MERNAP aims to:

  • support Australia's national emissions reduction targets and contribute to global decarbonisation of shipping;
  • future-proof the Australian maritime sector and avoid a late, costly and disruptive transition by setting early signals;
  • signal to global partners Australia's clear pathway to net zero emission shipping in our waters and ports; and
  • promote an equitable transition for the maritime sector, particularly for the maritime workforce. 

Through the Issues Paper 3, the Government is now seeking feedback to identify skills and training needs to support maritime decarbonisation :

Issues Paper 3: Skills and Training 
MERNAP Website
Previous FTA / APSA Submission for Issues Paper: Regulations & Standards 

With the many workforce challenges our industry currently faces in the skills and training sectors, submissions to this paper will be used to importantly provide advice to Government about potential future policy settings.

Submissions for the Issues Paper 3 are now open and members are encouraged to supply feedback to Tom Jensen by
05 March 2024 for incorporation into the FTA/APSA submission.
Submissions can also be made direct to the Department by
close of business Tuesday 12 March 2024 by emailing

Tom Jensen -  Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / APSA

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