DAFF - Export advisory notice Upcoming Micor user account audit

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry crest


Upcoming Micor user account audit

Species: All
Countries: All


  • All stakeholders
  • All Micor account holders


To inform stakeholders that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is conducting a user account audit on Micor, Manual of Importing Country Requirements. Micor sets out the known requirements that exporters must meet for products and commodities to be accepted for import into specific overseas countries.

Key points

Micor accounts are required to access exporter information for the commodities of meat, live animals, and plants. The upcoming audit may impact accounts that have been inactive for 12 months or more. This may affect you or some of your staff that are Micor users.

The department will send an email to inactive accounts users with instructions on what action to take should Micor access still be required. If no action is taken, the account will be closed, and users will need to re-register for future access.

To re-register for access to Micor, click on the below relevant commodity and follow the prompts.
If you foresee any issues with the upcoming Micor user account audit, have any questions, feedback or difficulties accessing your Micor account, please email micorproject@aff.gov.au


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