Victorian Ports Minister advocates for a "Mandatory Code" to oversee stevedore TACs - Building Momentum for Reform

Friday, March 8, 2024

Letter Minister Horne - regulation of TACs.pdf
CMIN-1-23-6689 - MH signed.pdf

In parallel to our recently announced "Three Point Plan", Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA), the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) and the Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA) are ramping up advocacy with State Governments, aiming to gain support for a Federal Government led 'Mandatory Code' to regulate future adjustments to stevedore-imposed Terminal Access Charges (TACs).

We are pleased to advise that The Hon. Melissa Horne, Minister for Ports and Freight (Victoria) provided a response with the following reference:

"I can confirm that I have recently written to Minister Catherine King, the Commonwealth Government Minister responsible for the ports sector, to advocate for her to further investigate the need to regulate stevedore landside access charges at Australian ports. Specifically, the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Australia's Maritime Logistics Industry recommended introduction of a 'mandatory code' for stevedore pricing overseen by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission." 

It is apparent that the final straw motivating this response was the recent announcement by DP World that made an absolute mockery of the existing 'Voluntary Pricing Protocol (VPP)' including the recent 52% increase imposed on Australian export containers via the Port of Melbourne - background detail available HERE.

  • FTA letter 
  • Ministerial response 
More to come ... stay tuned!!

Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF