DAFF - Import Industry Advice Notice 52/2024 Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme: treatment providers reinstated - Haraco Offshore GmBH (AEI: DE4020SB) and Environnement Services (AEI: FR4003SB)

Friday, March 22, 2024

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) wish to advise that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has issued Industry Advice Notice 52-2024 advising of the REINSTATEMENT of Haraco Offshore GmBH (AEI: DE4020SB) and Environnement Services (AEI: FR4003SB)
Haraco Offshore (AEI: DE4020SB) and Environnement Services (AEI: FR4003SB) have been reinstated under the offshore BMSB treatment provider scheme and listed as 'Approved' on the List of Treatment Providers.

Both treatment providers listed above have now been 'Approved' to perform heat and sulfuryl fluoride treatments on Australian and New Zealand bound consignments. 

The 'Approved' date is published on the summary of recent changes in the 'change date' column on the offshore treatment provider web page.

All treatment certification issued by the treatment provider will be considered unacceptable during the period the treatment provider was 'Suspended'. This also applies to goods in-transit. Only treatments performed after the status change to approved will be accepted by the department.

Consignments or goods are classified as 'in transit' when they have left the country of origin but have not yet been cleared through the border in Australia. Please refer to Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON) for onshore outcomes.

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA | APSA

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