DAFF - Export Advisory Notice 2024/6 Commencement of certain ASEL 3.3 standards on 3 April 2024

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

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Commencement of certain ASEL 3.3 standards on 3 April 2024

Species: All Livestock
Countries: All


  • All Stakeholders


To remind stakeholders of the commencement of certain Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) 3.3 standards which will come into effect on 3 April 2024.

Key points

  • New ASEL 3.3 standards, definitions and table titles commence on 3 April. These are:
    • Definitions – the definitions of near and far markets will be removed, and all references to near and far markets in the standards will be removed
    • Tables 10a and 10b (Alternative minimum pen space allocation for cattle loaded at a port north of latitude 26°S where an exporter is approved to use the alternative pen space) – the titles of these tables will be amended to refer to short-haul (Table 10a) and long-haul (Table 10b) instead of near and far markets
    • Standard 1.1.3 - Livestock identification requirements in laboratory testing-sea
    • Standard 5.1.15 - Reserve fodder requirements
    • Standard 6.1.3 - Livestock identification requirements in laboratory testing-air
  • Exporters must ensure that all consignments that depart on and after 3 April 2024 comply with the new standards.
  • The department has developed the following policies or guidance materials to support the implementation of these changes.
  • The department is also working to update its guidance material on calculating voyage length. This will be available shortly.
  • In the meantime, exporters remain responsible for estimating voyage length as accurately as possible, including loading and unloading times. This is important to ensure, among other things, adequate provisions are provided to livestock in accordance with the minimum standards within ASEL 3.3.
  • The department may assess estimated voyage length nominated by exporters within Notice of Intention to Export (NOI) applications against data from previous voyages.
  • Failure to comply with ASEL may result in regulatory action consistent with our compliance policy, however, the department is committed to using an educative approach over the coming months to facilitate the smooth implementation of these changes.
  • The department will continue to review, monitor and consult with industry on the use of recommended voyage length, including making specific voyage data publicly available to assist exporters in calculating voyage length.
  • Exporters are not required to submit a variation of their Approved Arrangement (AA) to the department to reflect these upcoming changes to ASEL. However, exporters must ensure their AA and documents reflect the changed standards and comply with the current version of ASEL at the time consignments are exported.


  • On 30 November 2023 the department published the updated ASEL 3.3. The majority of amendments commenced on publication.
  • Seven amendments had 2024 commencement dates and are set to be implemented in a stepped manner as they required additional time for effective implementation.
  • The department has previously issued EANs to advise stakeholders of these implementation dates to allow preparation for commencement and to support a smooth transition.
  • Amendments related to Registered Establishment (RE) standards are due to commence on 29 August 2024. The department will engage with RE occupiers on the requirements to update registrations and approvals prior to commencement.
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