DAFF - Import Industry Advice Notice 64/2024 Changes to regulatory charges for biosecurity and imported food activities

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) has issued IAN 64-2024 outlining the changes to regulatory charges for biosecurity and imported food activities. 

What has changed?

In 2023, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) completed a comprehensive review of the Biosecurity Cost Recovery Arrangement, with new regulatory charges commencing on 1 July 2023.

In conjunction with the new charges, the department committed to an annual review of regulatory charges and changed legislation to include indexation.

This approach to pricing aims to avoid large price increases in the future and provide the opportunity for more frequent engagement with stakeholders on changes to fees and charges.

In 2024, the department will embed the annual review cycle and apply indexation to regulatory fees and charges. These changes commence on 1 July 2024.

An updated schedule of prices and current cost to deliver regulatory activities will be provided in the 2024-25 Biosecurity Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS).

A draft CRIS will be published in April 2024 through the department's 'Have Your Say', platform, and will provide details of these changes.

What is driving these changes?

The application of indexation demonstrates the department's commitment to avoiding large increases to fees and charges across future years, by engaging more frequently on regulatory charging.

Regulatory charging is a key element to funding Australia's biosecurity system. This remains central to long-term sustainable funding arrangements.

Further information

Stay informed through the department's website.
Enquiries can be directed to the BioCRIS@agriculture.gov.au.

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight &Logistics - FTA / APSA

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