DAFF - Illegal Logging E-Update 42: April 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

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Illegal Logging


Updates from DAFF

  • Introduction of the Illegal Logging Amendment Bill to the Australian Parliament

International news

  • Timber legality spotlight - Conflict timber

In other news

  • Future E-Update topics

Introduction of the Illegal Logging Amendment Bill


On 27 March 2024, the Australian Government introduced the Illegal Logging Prohibition Amendment (Strengthening Measures to Prevent Illegal Timber Trade) Bill 2024 to the Australian Parliament.

The Bill will implement improvements identified through both the Statutory Review of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Act 2012 (the Act) and the Sunsetting Review of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation 2012 (the Regulation). Measures in the Bill will modernise and strengthen the Act, to better protect the Australian market from illegally harvested timber and timber products and support sustainable and legal timber trade into the future.

Pending passage of the Bill, the department will develop new Rules to replace the current Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation, where due diligence requirements are prescribed.

The existing due diligence requirements will remain in place until such time that the Rules replace current Regulation, or the legislation sunsets in April 2025. We will continue to keep you updated as this legislative reform process progresses.

For more information, you can read the Bill and Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator the Hon Murray Watt's media release.

Timber legality spotlight – Conflict timber

European Union authorities have been alerted to hundreds of tons of Russian timber being imported into Europe despite sanctions imposed in early 2022 following the Ukraine invasion. novel method of timber testing was used to confirm that several wood shipments entering Belgium, originated from Russia.

These findings highlight the usefulness of emerging timber testing technologies to verify the species and origin, and in this case, legality, of timber and timber products. The department continues to investigate how best to implement timber testing in Australia through our current trial (see E-update 40).

These findings are also a timely reminder of the importance of meeting your due diligence requirements to gather sufficient, reliable information to adequately understand your supply chain/s. The department offers a range of resources to help with this.

International News - Meeting of the APEC Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (EGILAT)

In February, Department officials attended the 25th meeting of EGILAT during the APEC First Seniors Officials' Meeting, hosted by the Government of Peru in Lima.

Australia's attendance at this meeting provided the opportunity to strengthen international relations with EGILAT member economies working to combat illegal logging. The Department provided updates on Australia's key initiative to reform our illegal logging laws and strengthen measures to prevent illegal timber trade. This included a presentation to members by Dr Madeleine Osborn, Assistant Director, International Forest Policy.

EGILAT is a valuable international platform that generates policy ideas and practical measures to address the wide-ranging harms of illegal logging and associated trade. Australia's ongoing involvement helps build the capacity of other member economies and helps to shape our own domestic efforts to combat illegal logging.

More information regarding the EGILAT forum can be found on the EGILAT website.

Take our Survey—future e-update topics

To help shape our future e-updates, we would like to provide you the opportunity to influence the topics we cover. We have developed a short survey outlining potential topics and welcome your feedback.

We have designed this survey with topical matters in mind, and invite you to share which of these may be most relevant to your interests and business needs by completing the short survey.

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