DAFF - Upcoming enhancements to the Compliance Based Intervention Scheme (CBIS)

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Herbal tea bags, raw nuts, dried coconut products (excluding desiccated), powdered herbs and spices, fresh and dried mushrooms and truffles from all countries

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received advice from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) advising of upcoming enhancements to the Compliance Based Intervention Scheme (CBIS)

These enhancements include:

Trialling CBIS on a document controlled pathway 

DAFF will expand CBIS onto document controlled pathways, with a trial commencing on herbal tea bags. Further information about the trial will be provided by DAFF  once a delivery date has been established.

Use of profile questions to improve CBIS uptake

DAFF will create new profile questions to improve uptake of existing CBIS commodities and support new CBIS pathways. This will also allow DAFF to remove AQIS Commodity Codes (ACCs) where relevant. This will minimise the number of goods being referred in for manual processing, and if compliant, reduce intervention by DAFF for compliant importers.

Submission of import documentation for these requests continues to be via COLS.

For further information please refer to Import Industry Advice notice 77-2024    

Additionally if you have any enquiries relating to these changes, then please email
imports@aff.gov.au (Tier 2- CBIS) or telephone 1800 900 090.

DAFF also publishes changes on the CBIS webpages
For plant and plant related products
For animal based products

Sal Milici - Licensed Customs Broker
General Manager Trade Policy & Operations - FTA / APSA
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