DAFF - Illegal Logging E-Update 43: Special Edition - May 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry crest

Illegal Logging

E-Update 43: Special Edition - May 2024


Provide feedback on the Illegal Logging Prohibition Amendment (Strengthening Measures to Prevent Illegal Timber Trade) Bill 2024

This special edition e-update provides an important update on progress of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Amendment (Strengthening Measures to Prevent Illegal Timber Trade) Bill 2024 (the Bill).

On 27 March 2024, the Australian Government introduced the Bill to the Australian Parliament, where it is now under debate in the House of Representatives.

As part of this process, on 16 May 2024 the Bill was referred to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee for inquiry and report.

The inquiry is now open for public submissions, and the Committee is asking for input and comments on the Bill. There are no terms of reference for this inquiry, as the Committee is seeking comments on the Bill itself. Anyone can make a submission to comment on the Bill. You can find more information on the Bill, along with useful instructions on how to make and lodge a submission on the Parliament of Australia's website.

The Committee has provided a deadline for submissions of 31 May 2024. Please note that this process and timeframe is managed by the Parliament of Australia, and we do not play a role.

For background information on the illegal logging legislative reform process to date visit our website.

  • See the department's illegal logging website for information and resources
  • Email the department's compliance branch
  • Call the department during business hours (8.30 am to 5.30 pm) on 1800 657 313 or +61 2 6272 3933 outside Australia

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