DAFF - MAA 2024-15: Dairy: Chile: Amended export health certificate for milk and milk products to Chile from 29 May

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry crest

MAA 2024-15: Dairy: Chile: Amended export health certificate for milk and milk products to Chile from 29 May 2024


22 May 2024

Date of issue: 22 May 2024

Date of effect: Immediate

Reference Number: MAA2024-15 


  • Industries—Industry bodies – Dairy Australia – Infant Nutrition Council, Dairy Export Industry Consultative Committee, Australian Food and Grocery Council
  • Dairy Export establishments
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry — Central and Regional offices


This Market Access Advice (MAA) is to notify industry that amended export health certification for milk and milk products for human consumption exported from Australia to Chile, will be issued in the Next Export Documentation System (NEXDOC) from 29 May 2024.

Summary of key points

In 2023, the Chilean Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) notified the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) of 'Exempt Resolution No. 4027/2023 Determines Sanitary Requirements for the Internment of Milk and Dairy Products, for Animal and Human Consumption, and Repeals Resolution No. 1,194 from the Year 2001' (the Resolution).

SAG required that health certification for the exports of Australian dairy products to reflect the content and format of the Resolution. Consequently, the department amended the health certificate and these amendments have recently been accepted by SAG. 

The health certificate amendments do not impact on the export requirements for milk and milk products to Chile. 

The department template number (ZD024) has not changed, and the health certificate will continue to be issued through NEXDOC.

The certificate title now reads, "Health Certificate for the export of milk and milk products to Chile for human consumption." There are minor changes to sub-headings in the attestations and attestations have been included which refer to product imported from third countries, traceability measures for raw materials and storage.


On 8 February 2023, SAG resolved to recognise the inspection, approval, control and supervision system for dairy exporting establishments of the department. This recognition continues.

Further information

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The information provided in this advice is current at the time of writing and is intended for use as guidance only and should not be taken as definitive or exhaustive. The Commonwealth endeavours to keep information current and accurate, however, it may be subject to change without notice. Exporters are encouraged to verify these details with their importers prior to undertaking production/exports. The Commonwealth will not accept liability for any loss resulting from reliance on information contained in this notice.

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