Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth Invitation for Participation

Monday, May 27, 2024

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have been invited by the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth (JSCTIG) to make a submission regarding:

Inquiry into the understanding and utilisation of benefits available to Australian industry and communities under Free Trade Agreements

This is a valuable opportunity for members to provide insights and expertise on this crucial inquiry. The Committee is seeking views on:

  • What level of understanding is present of the social and economic benefits provided by Free Trade Agreements (FTAs);
  • The uptake of economic benefits to Australian businesses created by FTAs across Australia;
  • To what extent regional, diaspora and First Nations communities take advantage of trade opportunities including the benefits created by FTAs;
  • What difficulties are faced by Australian businesses, workers and communities in accessing the benefits created by FTAs, including non-tariff trade barriers;
  • How the Australian Government monitors and measures utilisation of FTAs;
  • How the Australian Government works with stakeholders, including States and Territories Governments, to promote trade including the benefits created by FTAs.

For further information about the treaty, please visit the JSCTIG website HERE.

Your participation is highly valued and will contribute significantly to the Committee's inquiry. We look forward to valuable input from members.

To share your views, please contact me direct at by close of business Friday 14 June 2024

Sal Milici - Licensed Customs Broker 
General Manager Trade Policy & Operations - FTA / APSA

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