Invitation to Participate in STE Foundations Project – Trade Portal Pilot Program :Self-Assessment Clearances (SACs)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Australian Border Force (ABF) is seeking over the coming months to trial of a new trade portal with industry participants that submit Self Assessed Clearances (SACs) [without lines declarations].
Participation and feedback on this trade portal pilot, your digital identity experience, and your expectations for future features will provide the ABF with insights to guide the direction of the Foundations to Enable the Single Trade Environment (STE Foundations) project and the ABF intent to pilot a user interface designed for traders.

The ABF Trade Portal aims to simplify interactions, enhance data quality, and integrate a digital identity authentication system.
Participation in this pilot involves:
  • Registering your business for the Trade Portal using myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).
  • Use the Trade Portal over a 3 week period to submit Self Assessed Clearance without lines declarations (SAC declarations).
  • Participate in a short feedback session with ABF to share your thoughts and experiences.
The ABF is holding an information session for interested pilot participants this week with detailed instructions on pilot participation.  
If you are interested or would like to learn more, please reply to the ABF Trade Technology team (

Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF