NZ Customs Release Issue 748

Friday, June 21, 2024








21 June 2024

Man before court on multiple drug charges

A Wellington man is due to reappear in court next month on multiple charges of importing large quantities of a variety of controlled drugs.

This comes after a joint Police and Customs investigation – codenamed Operation Maserati - into the importation and supply of methamphetamine, cocaine, GBL, and ketamine across the Wellington region.





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New excise duty and levy rates for alcohol

The annual adjustment to the excise and excise-equivalent duty rates on alcoholic beverages will take effect on 1 July 2024. The annual adjustment is based on movements in the Consumer Price Index over the 12-month period ended 31 March 2024.
Changes to the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Alcohol Levy rates will also take effect on 1 July 2024.
Alcohol products removed from a licensed manufacturing area or imported after midnight on 30 June 2024 will be subject to the new rates.





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New Zealand - China Council import webinar

Next Wednesday, 26 June, the New Zealand China Council (Te Kaunihera o Aotearoa me Haina) and the North Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence will co-host an online event to launch the latest research report Sourcing from the World's Factory: Our import relationship with China.

During the webinar, report author Sense Partners will present the key findings, followed by a panel discussion with industry experts on what importing from the world's factory means for New Zealand in 2024 and beyond.





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Celebrate Matariki next week

Next Friday will be a public holiday marking Matariki. As the stars of the Matariki cluster rise in the winter sky, they signal a time of remembrance, reflection, and renewal across Aotearoa. Matariki is a special period that connects us to the land, the sky, and each other. 

We would like to wish you all a safe and wonderful Matariki with whanau and friends.

All Customs offices will be closed as we observe the public holiday.

Intellectual Property Rights

Updates to trademark and copyright notices have been accepted by Customs.

For more information on IPRs, email





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Tariff Concession Notices

A tariff concession removes the tariff duty that would be payable for certain goods. 

The latest Tariff Concession Notice is now available.





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