DAFF - Market access notice 2024/04

Monday, June 24, 2024

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry crest

26 June 2024

Market access notice 2024/04


Publication of a 'property of origin' policy for livestock exports

Species: All livestock
Classification(s): All classes
Market(s): All markets


  • Accredited veterinarians
  • Australian Livestock Exporters' Council
  • Departmental officers
  • LiveCorp
  • Livestock exporters
  • Meat and Livestock Australia


To inform stakeholders of the development of a new 'property of origin' policy for livestock exports.

Key points

  • The new policy provides clarity around the interpretation of the phrase 'property of origin' where this is not otherwise defined by an importing country.
  • Exporters must strictly comply with these requirements for all livestock consignments exported on or after 2 December 2024.
  • Prior to 2 December 2024, an educative approach will be taken to support exporter compliance.
    • The department will continue to work with the Australian Livestock Exporters' Council (ALEC) to support the development of processes to assist with implementation of this policy.
    • ALEC is working with the Integrity Systems Company to make training available for all exporters on a new report available within the NLIS database to assist exporters to comply with this change.
    • Exporters should start preparing to ensure they are familiar with the requirements and able to meet them for all consignments by 2 December 2024.
  • The new policy can be found on the Manual of importing country requirements (Micor) webpage. Note, access to view livestock content in Micor requires a login.
  • Enquiries related to this policy can be directed to Jess Rummery on 08 8998 4979 or jess.rummery@aff.gov.au. Alternatively, you can contact us via the general contact details outlined below.


Through departmental consultation, industry bodies and state and territory authorities agreed that implementing a national, robust standard for property of origin strengthens Australia's export certification system. This provides assurance to importing countries and promotes continued market access for Australian livestock.
Jess Rummery
Director, Operations Policy
Live Animal Export Branch
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Jess Rummery
Contact officer
Phone: 02 6272 4581
Email: livestockexp@aff.gov.au


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