Southern Ports is extremely disappointed to hear that Mineral Resources will cease operations at its Yilgarn hub in late 2024.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"There's no doubt that this will have a major effect on Esperance community and the wider region which, like our port, have enjoyed a strong connection to iron ore for decades," said Chief Executive Officer Keith Wilks.

"Given the recentness of the announcement, we are still determining the full effect on our business. We'll be working over the coming period to assess the situation more fully, however given Mineral Resources is a major customer for Southern Ports and Port of Esperance it is reasonable to assume this will have a significant impact on our operations."

"Our staff are our immediate priority, and we will be working over the coming period to put a plan in place to take us forward."

For more information on Mineral Resources' announcement, the full statement is available here.