DAFF - IIAN 139/2024 2024-25 prices for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has today issued Import Industry Advice Notice 139-2024 announcing the publication of the 2024-25 prices for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities.

These changes commence on 1 July 2024.

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) as per previous member notice announcing the changes, noted that whilst any cost increase is never ideal, it is important to acknowledge that the absence of a review for the past 8 years has contributed to DAFF facing significant financial strain just over 12 months ago, resulting in a hiring freeze. This situation has presented challenges to resourcing levels at DAFF, consequently impacting service delivery standards.
Some of the fees increasing from 1 July 2024 most relevant to members include:

Full Import Declaration (FID) charge (Air) increasing from $43.00 to $45.00 per FID
Full Import Declaration (FID) charge (Sea) increasing from $63.00 to $66.00 per FID

Fee for service – inspection (including virtual inspections), examination, document assessment, analysis, diagnostic activity, clearance of cargo, treatment, audit, supervision, training

In office fee during ordinary hours  (per 15 mins)  increasing from $37.00 to $39.00
Out office fee during ordinary hours (per 15 mins) increasing from $62.00 to $65.00

Following is the full Import Industry Advice Notice:

139-2024: 2024-25 prices for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities

28 June 2024

Who does this notice affect?

Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries – including imported food stakeholders, customs brokers, freight forwarders, vessel masters, biosecurity industry participants and shipping agents.

What has changed?

In 2023, in conjunction with the implementation of new charges, the department committed to an annual review of regulatory charges and made changes to legislation to include indexation. 

In 2024, the department will embed the annual review and apply indexation to regulatory fees and charges.

An updated schedule of prices and current cost to deliver regulatory activities are provided in the 2024-25 Biosecurity Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) and pricing tables. 

The 2023-24 CRIS and pricing tables can be accessed on the department's website.

New fees and charges for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities will commence on 1 July 2024. 

What is driving these changes?

Regulatory charging is a key element to funding Australia's biosecurity system and remains central to long-term sustainable funding arrangements.

The annual review of regulatory charges will support ongoing alignment of prices with the cost to deliver our regulatory functions and avoid the need for large price increases in future years.  

Key changes

All legislated regulatory charges that are subject to an indexation provision will increase by 4.1% on 1 July 2024.

Indexation of legislated rates does not require changes to legislation. New rates for 2024-25 are the calculated replacement amounts described in the 2024-25 Biosecurity CRIS and pricing tables

2024-25 Biosecurity CRIS

The 2024-25 Biosecurity CRIS contains the indexed prices for regulatory charges, relevant information on the department's authority to cost recover, its estimated costs, forecast volumes and cost recovery revenue for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activity. Financial tables show past performance and forecast costs for future years.

Pricing tables

Pricing tables set out the indexed prices for regulatory charges and describe the indexation methodology prescribed in legislation and applied to calculate new prices. 

Billing after 1 July 2024

As we transition to new fees and charges you will notice changes to your invoice. There will be new prices, new codes and in some cases new descriptions. You may also see an old and a new price listed for the same service depending on when the regulatory activities were carried out. 

There may be some changes to information visible on the weekly invoices issued. Entry directions issued via the Agriculture Import Management System (AIMS) will include the entry creation date and additional information related to the biosecurity activities performed.

Further information

Enquiries on indexed prices can be directed to BioCRIS@aff.gov.au.

Please contact Accounts receivable helpdesk for any invoicing and payment enquires.

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / APSA

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