DAFF - Import Industry Advice Notice 140/2024 140/2024 Billing for imported cargo documentation for assessment through COLS

Friday, June 28, 2024

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) wish to advise that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has issued Industry Advice Notice 140-2024 providing updated information on billing for imported cargo documentation for assessment through COLS :

28 June 2024

Who does this notice affect?

All importers and customs brokers who lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment through the Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS). 

What has changed?

  • Non-account clients will need to have the necessary $39 document assessment fee available (either through ICS payments or payments made directly via COLS) for COLS to accept document lodgements as of 1 July 2024.
  • Brokers who have lodged a FID in ICS pre-July 2024 with a minimum payment of $37 and then submitted their documents into COLS post-July 2024 will be required to make the full payment of $39 in COLS or make an extra payment of $2 in the ICS to bring the balance to $39.
  • This will ensure the correct amount is charged when the document assessment is performed in the 24-25FY, and will reduce delays to lodgements being assessed.
  • For more information on Biosecurity cost recovery implementation and the new fees and charges, visit our website Biosecurity cost recovery implementation statements.

Further information

Enquiries on indexed prices can be directed to BioCRIS@aff.gov.au

Please contact Accounts receivable helpdesk for any invoicing and payment enquires.


Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / APSA

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