DAFF - MAA 2024-24 India - Milk and Milk Products: upcoming changes to health certification from 30 June 2024

Friday, June 28, 2024

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry crest

MAA 2024-24 India - Milk and Milk Products: upcoming changes to health certification from 30 June 2024


28 June 2024

Date of issue: 28 June 2024

Date of effect: Immediate

Reference Number: MAA 2024-24

Related MAA/IAN: MAA 2022-39, MAA 2023-02, MAA 2023-47, MAA 2024-02


  • Industries—Industry bodies – Dairy Australia – Infant Nutrition Council, Dairy Export Industry Consultative Committee, Australian Food and Grocery Council
  • Dairy Export establishments
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry — Central and Regional offices


To notify exporters after 30 June 2024, Australia's current health certificate (template ZD035) for exporting milk and milk products to India will no longer meet India's importing country requirements. 

Negotiations for the new dairy export health certificate with the relevant competent authorities in India are nearly complete.

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) understands that consignments accompanied by health certificate (template ZD035), signed and dated on or before 30 June 2024, and accompanied by a bill of lading confirming the product left Australia prior to 1 July 2024, will be accepted at the border.

Exporters are advised that any consignments departing Australia after 
30 June 2024, on health certificate (template ZD035) is at commercial risk. There is a strong likelihood Indian port authorities will reject these consignments.

The department recommends exporters liaise with their importers about the likelihood of successful import clearance. While the department will attempt to facilitate the release of any detained consignments, success cannot be guaranteed.

There will be a short delay from 1 July 2024, until the new certificate is made available in the Next Export Documentation System (NEXDOC).

The department is currently in ongoing negotiations regarding the new certificate requirements. Once approved, the new health certificate will have a different template number and will replace the ZD035 certificate template.


The new health certificate is being introduced in response to the Indian Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD) and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) implementing a new integrated certificate for exports of milk and milk products to India.

The department will provide further guidance once an update on the outcome of these negotiations is available.

Further information

Contact exportstandards@aff.gov.au if you have any queries.

The information provided in this advice is current at the time of writing and is intended for use as guidance only and should not be taken as definitive or exhaustive. The Commonwealth endeavours to keep information current and accurate, however, it may be subject to change without notice. Exporters are encouraged to verify these details with their importers prior to undertaking production/exports. The Commonwealth will not accept liability for any loss resulting from reliance on information contained in this notice.

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