Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Biosecurity Portal Update Location Opening Hours Location Question for Imported Food or CCV requests

Friday, July 5, 2024

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) wish to advise that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has issued Import Industry Advice Notice 146-2024 AND 147-2024  advising of changes to the The Biosecurity Portal functionality.

Biosecurity Portal – Update Location Opening Hours

The Biosecurity Portal allows Approved Arrangements to add and update location 'Opening hours'. Ensuring your Approved Arrangement's opening hours are accurate within the Biosecurity Portal will assist the department in allocating resources effectively and within the opening hours nominated. Biosecurity Portal users are encouraged to set their 'Opening hours' to the longest available time to maximise inspection availability.


When logged into the 'Sign in with your digital identity to access' pathway of the Biosecurity Portal navigate to 'My Organisations' and open the 'Approved Arrangement (import)'. Review the inspection location details ensure these are up to date, specifically check the 'Opening hours'.


Once opened, check if the hours listed are up to date. If not, then select 'New' and provide the current opening hours.


Once updated, ensure you save the newly added or edited times.

To view the ENTIRE notice please click HERE

Biosecurity Portal – Location Question for Imported Food or CCV requests

When requesting a Cargo Compliance Verification (CCV) or Imported Food inspection via the Biosecurity Portal, a question regarding the inspection location is presented to the requester. 
When the question 'Is the inspection location the same as stated on the Biosecurity Direction?' is presented always select 'No'. This will prompt you to input the address for the inspection.


Start typing the address in the 'Start typing an address' field. If it does not appear, enter the details manually.


This action is required, even if the location appears to be correct within the direction or food control certificate detail. This will ensure accurate location information is allocated to your inspection request, allowing a skilled officer to be booked to attend the correct location. Failure to complete these steps will result in your request being cancelled and requiring resubmission, via these steps.

To view the ENTIRE notice please click HERE