NZ Customs Release Issue 751

Friday, July 12, 2024








12 July 2024

Consulting on order levies for travellers

Customs and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) are undertaking public consultation on proposed changes to Border Processing Levy charges which travellers pay to cross New Zealand's border.
All passengers arriving in New Zealand are assessed for risk before they arrive, whether they are travelling by air or sea.
On arrival a range of methods are also used to further screen travellers, such as use of Customs and Biosecurity detector dogs, questioning by Customs or MPI officers, and x-ray and manual searches of baggage.
Border Processing Levy charges are required to recover the costs of these services.
The charges are to be reset by 1 December 2024.





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Detector Dog Delta hangs up her harness

Detector dog Delta, affectionately known as Delilah, has officially retired from her detector dog duties with Customs!

Throughout her five year career, Delta had the unique experience of being operational with three handlers, each contributing to her successful career as a drug, cash and firearms detector dog.

Delta enjoyed all aspects of working life – from trips down to Queenstown, screening risk vessels and containers, to assisting with Police search warrants.

Customs Officer Katherine says, "Delta always loved to help out in different ways.  Her last duty with Customs was to assist Customs Technical Specialist Rob on the latest detector dog course in Christchurch. She was patient with the new handlers (something she learnt from having three different handlers!) and was always eager to please.  The two dog teams passed validation so we thank Delta for her assistance."

Enjoy your retirement, Delta!

Intellectual Property Rights

Updates to trademark and copyright notices have been accepted by Customs.

For more information on IPRs, email





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Tariff Concession Notices

A tariff concession removes the tariff duty that would be payable for certain goods. 

The latest Tariff Concession Advertisement Notice is now available.





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