NZ Customs Release

Friday, October 18, 2024








18 October 2024

Annual report for 2023/24 now available

This week, Customs published the Annual Report for 2023/24 on our website. 

The Annual Report tells the story of what we have achieved over the last year, and how we are progressing towards our longer-term strategic objectives and goals. It is our opportunity to highlight to the government and the public the work we do every day to protect and promote New Zealand.





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Reminder: Consultation on cost recovery charges on goods closes on 31 October 2024

In September this year, Customs and the Ministry for Primary Industries launched public consultation over proposed changes to fees charged to clear goods at the border.

Options set out in the consultation document, Recovering the Costs of Goods Management at the Border: A Joint Consultation Document, could impact importers, exporters, brokers, fast freight, shipping agents and carriers including ship operators. 

Submissions are due by Thursday 31 October 2024 and should be emailed to





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Text message scam warning

Please be alert to text messages currently in circulation which appear to be from Customs, but which are likely to be a phishing scam. 

Customs has received a report of a text message which tells recipients they have received a package which is being cleared by Customs, and asks recipients to click on a link to confirm a postal address. 

While the text may appear genuine at first glance, it is not.

If you've received a scam text message on your personal phone, please report it to the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA). 

The DIA is responsible for investigating complaints about unsolicited commercial electronic messages.

Forward the message, free of charge to 7726 or go to their site for more information:

Intellectual Property Rights

Updates to trademark and copyright notices have been accepted by Customs.

For more information on IPRs, email





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Tariff Concession Notices

A tariff concession removes the tariff duty that would be payable for certain goods.  The latest Tariff Concession Notices are now available.





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