FTA advocacy for career development opportunities

Friday, December 13, 2024

The primary focus is on how to bring new entrants to the sector; whether it be school-leaver, university student and those looking for a change in occupation. An increased pool of candidates is critical to fill both blue and white collar roles within our industry. Importantly, strategies are required to encourage a proportion of new entrants to take on key roles in freight forwarding and customs brokerages. 

Below is a summary of some of the Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) advocacy activities:  

Retention of licensed customs brokers 

During 2017, the Australian Border Force (ABF) conducted a review of licensing arrangements. While there was a concerted approach from another industry body to deregulate individual customs broker licensing, FTA successfully countered these arguments with the retention of Nominee licensed customs brokers. FTA was also successful in achieving increased transparency to the National Customs Broker Licensing Advisory Committee (NCBLAC) member selection process. FTA also recommended: standardise licensing renewal timeframes across border and biosecurity arrangements; extension of licensing to export declarations and potentially at a corporate level for cargo reporters; clarity is required in terms of how the "fit and proper" person test is applied; and a need to increase numbers of licensed individuals in an environment of an aging workforce and the emerging likelihood of an "experience vacuum".  

FTA Advocacy succeeds in the classification of customs brokers & freight forwarders 

During August 2023, an important development was achieved by FTA in gaining recognition of customs broker and freight forwarder occupations through the Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) section within Australian Bureau of Statistics. During December 2024, the formalisation of the customs broker classification was made under the newly launched Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA) by The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP, Assistant Minister for Employment. Note: OSCA replaces the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). 

The recognition of customs brokers under OSCA as a highly skilled occupation reflects the essential function they play in facilitating international trade. This updated classification aligns the profession more closely with contemporary labour market demands and industry expectations. Further detail is available HERE 

FTA escalates advocacy to support customs broker succession planning 

During October 2023 , FTA has identified a need for a combination of strategies including: establishing a reasonable operational environment that includes modifying and / or eliminating any superfluous customs broker licensing conditions to retain and attract new entrants; assistance to peak industry bodies to promote the trade sector to the employment market to meet the supply of personnel in roles such as (but not limited to) licensed customs brokers; and review the potential of customs brokers licensing tiers to create a natural succession career path to sustain an ongoing pool of suitably trained, accredited and licensed personnel. This advocacy is continuing via engagement with the ABF at the Customs Advisory Board 'Futures Forum'.  

Advocacy for funding to support workforce renewal in the international logistics sector 

During November 2024, FTA participated in the Industry Skills Council Supply Chain Leaders' Summit at Parliament House Canberra. Subsequent formal Ministerial correspondence from FTA addressed recommendations including: the need for a national awareness campaign for logistics careers; subsidised entry-level programs; educational scholarships, internships and partnerships; and youth engagement and industry connection programs. Further detail is available HERE     

Careers Page 

During December 2024, FTA launched a careers page as a central portal referencing opportunities to enter our vital sector of Australian commerce. In bringing this initiative together, a special note of appreciation is extended to our Affiliate Members and sponsors offering import / export traineeships; university internships & placements; freight forwarding and customs broker diploma studies; freight and depot placements and general recruitments services. Further detail is available HERE