Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received advice from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) in relation to the Publishing of new resources to enhance understanding of the Minimum Documentary and Import Declaration Requirements Policy
Following the Minimum documentary and import declaration requirements policy – Industry focus groups conducted in April 2024, DAFF is publishing new resources to enhance understanding of the policy and improve regulatory outcomes.
The following changes have been made:
Note: Previous versions of the packing declaration templates remain acceptable provided relevant aspects of the Non-commodity information requirements policy and the Minimum documentary and import declaration requirements policy are met.
Packing declaration examples
DAFF has created exemplar packing declarations to demonstrate the elements which determine if a declaration meets the Minimum documentary and import declaration requirements policy.
These exemplars may be useful to better understand how to correctly fill out a packing declaration.
Packing declaration example - acceptable
Packing declaration example - unacceptable
To assist members engaging with Australia's primary trading partner, FTA has arranged for a Mandarin translation of DAFF's exemplar packing declarations.
Please note that this translation serves as general guidance, is not officially provided by DAFF, and has not been completed by a certified translator.
Members are reminded to undertake their own due diligence when using this resource.
For more information refer to Import Industry Advice Notice 297-2024.