FTA / APSA Biosecurity Report 2025/04 - sponsored by Dynamic Biosecurity Services

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


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Welcome to the Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) Biosecurity Report, your one-stop update on the latest operational issues and notices issued by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). This report is designed to keep you informed and prepared to manage biosecurity compliance effectively in an ever-changing landscape.

This Week's Summary

Here are the key developments for this week:

  • DAFF - Mandatory CBC Activity: 
    The Mandatory Continuing Biosecurity Competency (CBC) Activity 24-25/01 (CPD0215) is 
    scheduled to open on 17 February 2025 and will provide 2 CPD Points in Stream A. DAFF will again host resources on their Learnhub platform. FTA will provide the assessment to those that have purchased a 2024-25 training package via MYFTACPD OR to have attended a 2024 FTA face-to-face session. The assessment will be uploaded onto your MYFTACPD "Active" library. You will be notified by email when it is available for completion. The course must be completed by 17 March 2025.
    In the interim, we suggest you check that your Learnhub account is accessible. Please note further details recently provided by the Department HERE.
  • DAFF calls for extra vigilance during BMSB season: 
    As a result of this season having seen a relatively higher number of BMSB being found in the traps at some high-risk sites, DAFF is reminding industry to be extra vigilant when opening containers, receiving and unpacking goods from BMSB target risk and native risk countries and to look for and report live BMSB and other pests found on cargo, on or inside containers and vessels. Refer to IIAN 28/2025.
  • Commencement of revised emergency measures to manage Xylella:
    Starting January 31, 2025, Australia is introducing tougher rules for importing live plants from China to prevent the spread of Xylella, a serious bacterial disease that can harm many plant species. Nursery plants must now undergo extra testing, treatment, or quarantine and will be regulated based on their specific type (genus) rather than just their broader plant family. Refer to IIAN 26/2025.
  • DAFF 14.4 Rural Tailgates:
    DAFF, as a part of their presentation at the upcoming Sec 77G & Approved Arrangements forums in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane, have confirmed they will provide ground-breaking insights on Rural Tailgates, sharing the latest results, innovative reforms, and strategic incentives that are set to boost utilisation - REGISTER NOW

Cargo Operations Snapshot

It is recommended that members note the Data Definitions on page 3 when viewing the following report provided by DAFF.

03 February Report  LOGIN REQUIRED

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Cargo Consultative Committee (DCCC)

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Cargo Consultative Committee (DCCC) brings together DAFF and industry representatives to address biosecurity issues impacting trade and logistics with the purpose to ensure effective biosecurity regulation without unnecessary trade barriers. FTA proudly represents the freight and trade sector on this vital committee.

Following are the latest DCCC Meeting minutes, communiques and papers:

Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme (AFAS):

AFAS is a bilateral arrangement between DAFF and participating overseas government agencies. AFAS manages the high biosecurity risk posed by ineffective treatments performed offshore.
Treatment providers registered and listed as approved is available on the List of treatment providers.
- Recent Suspensions:

03.02.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 25-2025: List of treatment providers: treatment provider suspended – International fumigators, inc. (AEI: US4023SB)
28.01.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 22/2025 List of treatment providers: treatment provider suspended – Western Fumigation (Pennsylvania) (AEI: US4008SB) 


To receive real-time automated notices direct from DAFF, please register HERE

04.02.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 29/2025: Scheduled Outage: Saturday 08 February 2025 – DAFF messaging, EXDOC, NEXDOC, SeaPest 
04.02.2025 : DAFF - 7-2025 UPDATE on printing and collection of certificates at the Adelaide office 
03.02.2025 : DAFF - 6-2025 Current impact to printing and collection of certificates at the Adelaide office 
03.02.2025 : DAFF - Statement from newly appointed Transition Advocate, Dr Chris Rodwell 
31.01.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 28/2025 Reminder to remain vigilant during Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Season (BMSB)
31.01.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 27/2025 Scheduled Outage: Saturday 15 February to Sunday 16 February 2025 – BICON, EXDOC 
31.01.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 26/2025 Commencement of revised emergency measures to manage Xylella: Changes to import conditions for nursery stock hosts from China
03.02.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 25-2025: List of treatment providers: treatment provider suspended – International fumigators, inc. (AEI: US4023SB)
30.01.2025 : DAFF - CBC Activity 24-25/01 (CPD0215)
29.01.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 24/2025 Urgent Scheduled Service Disruption: Wednesday 29 January to Thursday 30 January 2025 – BICON 
29.01.2025 : DAFF - Plant Export Industry Advice Notice IAN 2025-03 Plant Exports Branch – Export systems expected maintenance outage 
28.01.2025 : DAFF - Industry Advice Notice 5-2025 Unplanned outage: Tuesday 28 January 2025 – EXDOC and NEXDOC 
28.01.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 23/2025 Scheduled Outage: Saturday 01 February to Sunday 02 February 2025 – DAFF messaging, SeaPest 
28.01.2025 : DAFF - IIAN 22/2025 List of treatment providers: treatment provider suspended – Western Fumigation (Pennsylvania) (AEI: US4008SB) 
28.01.2025 : DAFF - Animal Biosecurity Advice Import risk review for natural sausage casings: Issues paper – live webinar 

Reminder - Stay Updated on Import Conditions via BICON:
Members are encouraged to reference BICON, Australia's biosecurity import conditions database, for any specific commodity concerns or changes related to Import Industry Advice Notices.
BICON provides up-to-date Australian biosecurity import conditions to ensure compliance and avoid disruptions.

Biosecurity Treatment Providers Reference Group (BTPRG)

On 1 July 2020, Freight & Trade Alliance established the Biosecurity Treatment Providers Reference Group (BTPRG) designed to provide a One Voice platform for treatment providers to engage with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) to deliver nationally consistent advocacy position(s) to government to lead reform and implement best practice. You can read our terms of reference HERE.
If you would like more information, please contact John Park.  The value of the group has been acknowledged by DAFF as can be seen HERE.

Survey - False / Fraudulent documents in Biosecurity

Members are reminded to participate in the FTA Survey on False/Fraudulent Documents in Biosecurity, shared previously via member notice.
?? Take the Survey Here  LOGIN REQUIRED 

As always, we encourage members to share their feedback and insights to help us identify issues and advocate for improvements on your behalf.

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / APSA

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