Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) is the peak industry body for Section 77G Depots, Approved Arrangement and Regulated Air Cargo Agent (RACA) facilities with the largest membership base of any representative body in Australia.
In response to an overwhelming demand from attendees at our recent Depot and Approved Arrangement forums held in Sydney, Perth and Melbourne, we were proud to announce at this morning's Brisbane event that we are officially expanding dedicated member benefits to all regulated cargo facilities.

TRAININGCONSULTANCY & LEGALEVENTSPROMOTIONSRegulated Cargo Facility membership cost is based on the scale of employees in line with the FTA Corporate Membership rates as outlined in our prospectus.
NOTE: existing FTA corporate members pay no more to receive these expanded benefits.Sal Milici - Licensed Customs Broker
General Manager Trade Policy & Operations - FTA / APSA