"Keeping Australia's
International Trade Moving"


Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA)

APSA is an industry association and the designated peak shipper body granted status by the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport under Part X of the Consumer & Competition Act to represent the interests of Australian shippers generally in relation to liner cargo shipping services.

In partnership with Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA), we form an influential advocacy alliance ensuring that our members are at the forefront of all emerging supply chain issues through our responsive operational support, professional development training, industry updates, commercial services and corporate events.


To set a global benchmark in efficiencies for Australian shippers by leading regulatory and commercial reforms.


  • To ensure that shippers have the opportunity to negotiate with Conferences, Discussion Agreements and major Consortia on minimum levels of service.
  • To ensure that shippers through their representative body, have the opportunity to negotiate sea freight rates.
  • To ensure that Conferences, Discussion Agreements and major Consortia provide any information reasonably necessary for the purpose of negotiations.


  • Our primary focus on Part X is to ensure that Australian shippers have continued access to liner cargo shipping services of adequate frequency and reliability, at freight rates that are internationally competitive.
  • The second goal is to promote conditions in the international liner cargo shipping industry that encourage stable access to markets for shippers in all States and Territories.


  • To increase our member base and corporate alliances with key industry groups to gain broader representative views and to gain increased strength of numbers to support advocacy activities;
  • To regularly interact with members via online media and face-to-face activities to provide updates on key issues and to seek ongoing feedback to develop policy;
  • To engage with trade and mainstream media to increase reach of our message and to influence improved operational outcomes;
  • To maintain close liaison with regulators and stakeholders across commerce via direct engagement, committees and via formal submissions;
  • To keep industry at the forefront of all emerging supply chain issues through responsive operational support.


  • To complete all activities with integrity, ensuring compliance with all Australian Antitrust and Competition laws - refer FTA / APSA Competition Compliance Policy;
  • To maintain confidentiality of members' commercially sensitive information;
  • To closely engage with members to provide relevant and timely information to support operational and longer term strategic needs; and
  • To continuously review and improve services to meet members' needs.

"Cargill Australia has been a member of APSA for 4 years. We continue to enjoy our close association with APSA and we understand the ongoing value that APSA generates for the Australian agricultural industry through its advocacy and representation on relevant issues."

David Werner
Trade Execution Manager
Grain and Oilseed Supply Chain Cargill Australia
Cargill Australia Ltd

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