"Keeping Australia's
International Trade Moving"


Customs Broker - CPD

CPD Compliance

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the mandatory annual training requirement for customs brokers to maintain their licence - period being from 1 April to 31 March whereby customs brokers must obtain a minimum of 30 CPD points with at least 18 of these points obtained from "Steam A" - further detail is available HERE

FTA is accredited by the Australian Border Force (ABF) to deliver CPD training meaning that we can provide to importers and customs brokers high quality, practical, cost effective and flexible solutions.

NOTE: FTA may report your course completion records for licenced customs broker CPD compliance purposes to the ABF and to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF) for mandatory Continued Biosecurity Competency (CBC).


Our conference-style events held annually in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane (during the licensing period of 1 April to 31 March) provide a minimum of 21 CPD points per event.

Attendees also receive complimentary access to MYFTACPD to complete additional CPD point requirements and to access Continued Biosecurity Competency (CBC) training to maintain 19.1. NCCC and 19.2 AEPCOMM Approved Arrangement accreditation as prescribed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF).

To view our event terms and conditions - please refer HERE.


Complementing our face-to-face delivery, we also provide webinars and recordings via MYFTACPD that are accredited for CPD and CBC purposes.

After viewing the recordings and completing the online assessments you receive a Certificate of Completion and the successfully completed topic with be added to your FTA CPD Attainment Statement to demonstrate CPD compliance.

New courses created will be automatically added to the following individual's library for completion:

  • Individual Members,
  • employees of a Corporate Member who have purchased an online training package, and
  • attendees of one of our CPD - Border Compliance Program events.

CPD Attainment Record

Individual course certificates and a full record of your CPD / CBC face-to-face and online completed courses is available via MYFTACPD - further information available HERE.

Further information

FTA members have access to a "bundled" membership covering our complete range of premium services and uncapped online CPD / CBC access for all of your staff - to find out more about this option, please contact us at training@FTAlliance.com.au at 02 99751878.

"Professional development is key to our business meeting its compliance requirements, minimising duty liability and continuing out journey of supply chain excellence. CPD and technical training as offered by the FTA, on-line and in the class room is of an extremely high standard, providing not only the necessary points for broker licensing but a source of up to date and relevant information whereby we can further educate ourselves to make decisions in the best interest of our company."

Sue Thorpe
Customs and Compliance Manager
Target Australia

David MacDonald
International Supply Chain Manager
Target Australia

FTA Weekly Report

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