"Keeping Australia's
International Trade Moving"




The Australian Peak Shippers' Association (APSA) is the peak body as designated by the Federal Minister of Infrastructure and Transport performing a vital role in protecting Australia's export supply chain.


Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) is Australia's leading representative body for the international supply chain sector bringing together importers, customs brokers, freight forwarders and logistics service providers.

Industry Advocate

  • FTA and APSA continue to successfully represent members (businesses and associations) in mediating commercial outcomes and in representation to government.


  • APSA is Australia's representative to the Global Shippers Forum (GSF) and the Asian Shippers Alliance (ASA) being the world's leading trade associations for shippers engaged in international trade moving goods by all modes of transport.


FTA and APSA are represented on the following consultative forums:

  • Sustainable Biosecurity Funding Advisory Panel
  • Customs Advisory Board
  • CAB - Futures Forum
  • National Committee on Trade Facilitation (NCTF)
  • Australian Border Force - Trade Facilitation Initiatives Working Group (TFIWG)
  • Australian Border Force - Trade Technology Working Group
  • Australian Border Force - Trade and Goods Compliance Advisory Group (CAG)
  • Australian Border Force - Integrated Cargo System Technical Working Group (ICSTWG)
  • Australian Border Force - Border Intermediaries Sub-Working Group (BISWG)
  • Australian Trusted Trader Industry Advisory Group (IAG)
  • Department of Agriculture Cargo Consultative Committee (DCCC)
  • International Trade Remedies Forum (ITRF)
  • Air Cargo Security Industry Advisory Forum (ACSIAF)
  • Office of Transport Security (OTS) International Working Group
  • Office of Transport Security (OTS) Domestic Working Group
  • Port Transport & Logistics Taskforce (PTLT - NSW)
  • WA Port Operations Taskforce
  • Supply Chain Advisory Network (SCAN)
  • Simplified Trade System - Industry Advisory Council Working Group
  • Landside Logistics Working Group - Port of Melbourne

"I thank Freight & Trade Alliance, and all your members for your efforts to help Australia achieve its full potential as a trading nation."

Senator The Hon. Don Farrell
Minister for Trade and Tourism

FTA Weekly Report

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