"Keeping Australia's
International Trade Moving"




FTA hosts annual face-to-face forums in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane with presentations from leaders across commerce and government departments.

This 'informed compliance' approach gives practical support to members that have Section 77G Customs Act licensed premises, Approved Arrangements (Biosecurity) or Regulated Air Cargo Agent (RACA) facilities.


FTA has has partnered with the WiseTech Academy to provide *cost-effective, high quality and easy to use e-learning accreditation to support compliance for staff working at licensed depots and Approved Arrangement facilities. FTA members are eligible for discounts on many WiseTech Academy courses.


Australian Customs Notice 2021/23 (condition 28) states Section 77G Deport licence holders must provide adequate training to make staff aware of their obligations in dealing with goods subject to the control of Customs.

CONTENT - the Section 77G Depots - Obligations Course provides operational staff with practical learning outcomes to be able to complete day to day activities with confidence that they are compliant with statutory requirements.

FREQUENCY - we recommended that staff complete this course at induction and at a minimum, review annually to remain up to date with regulatory requirements.

COST - $48 (further discounts apply for FTA members)


Approved Arrangements, previously known as Quarantine Approved Premises (QAPs) and Compliance Agreements, are voluntary arrangements entered into with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department).

These arrangements currently allow operators to manage biosecurity risks and/or perform the documentary assessment of goods in accordance with departmental requirements, using their own sites, facilities, equipment and people, and without constant supervision by the department and with occasional compliance monitoring or auditing.

CONTENT - to secure an Approved Arrangement (AA) accreditation, staff are required to undertake the prescribed training course containing the following two subjects:

  • Biosecurity Awareness - provides an introduction to biosecurity in Australia and prepares staff to recognise the biosecurity risks and how these are addressed by the key stakeholders, including the department.
  • Approved Arrangement Accreditation for AA Accredited Persons - provides the skills and knowledge required for staff to undertake their role as an Accredited Person within an AA - in this course, staff will be introduced to the requirements for Classes 1 to 8 and 10 to 14 AAs, and responsibilities in identifying and reducing biosecurity risks at AA sites.

FREQUENCY- We recommended that staff complete this course at induction and at a minimum, review annually to remain up to date with regulatory requirements.

COST - $80 (further discounts apply for FTA members)

Further information

To find out more please contact us at info@FTAlliance.com.au or 02 9975 1878.

"The reforms that the FTA team have been able to achieve for our 77G Depots and logistics operations is greatly appreciated. The ability of the team to lead and influence policy to meet contemporary business practices sets aside FTA from other representative groups. FTA has been quick to respond and follow up our requests at all times."

Mark Earl
Head of Supply Chain I Retail
International - Myer

FTA Weekly Report

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