"Keeping Australia's
International Trade Moving"




  • FTA / APSA represents a diverse membership as listed in this online directory;
  • Members cannot be referenced or associated with any FTA / APSA submission, commentary or media release without express permission granted by either the member or FTA/ APSA; and
  • FTA / APSA makes no representation that any FTA / APSA submission, commentary or media release reflects the views of all of its membership or any particular member.


AGT Foods Australia

Ausfine Foods International Pty Ltd

Australian Council of Wool Exporters and Processors Inc.

Australian Dairy Products Federation

Australian Grain Link Pty Ltd

Australian Horticulture Trade

Australian International Movers Association (AIMA)

Australian Meat Industry Council

Bega Group


Casella Family Brands

CBH Group

CHS Broadbent Pty Ltd

Enirgi Group

Essity Australasia

Fletcher International Exports

Fonterra Australia Pty Ltd

Gove Aluminium Finance Limited

Grain Trade Australia Ltd

H W Greenham & Sons Pty Ltd

Kelly Grains (KM & WM Kelly & Sons)

Kyvalley Dairy Group Pty Ltd

Manildra Group

Mondelez International

Norco Co-Operative Limited

One Rail Australia

Pro Kinetics (Aust) Pty Ltd/Kotahi

QMAG Pty Limited

Riordan Grain Services

Saputo Dairy Australia


Tyre Stewardship

Visy Industries

Warrnambool Cheese & Butter

Wilmar Trading (Australia) Pty Ltd

FTA Weekly Report

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